邵木楠和飞行的结缘是通过一条群发彩信。她回忆自己是在一次清理短信时,看到了东航委托南航大招聘女飞行员的消息。在经过一年的学习和培训,邵木楠顺利通过了航校面试,前往美国希尔斯伯勒航校进行飞行训练,一年半后,邵木楠终于拿到飞行执照回国,加入东航上海飞行部,并陆续拿到A320、A330、A350等机型执照,也成为东航首批执行A350洲际航线的飞行员。 Shao Mu Nan with flying is through a mass multimedia message. She recalled that she had seen the news that China Eastern Airlines had entrusted China Southern Airlines to recruit female pilots when cleaning up the SMS. After one year's study and training, Shao Mu Nan successfully passed the flight school interview and went to Hillsborough flight school in the United States for flight training. One and a half years later, She finally got the flight license to return to China, joined the Shanghai flight department of China Eastern Airlines, and successively obtained A320, A330, A350 and other aircraft type licenses, and became the first pilot of China Eastern Airlines to implement the A350 intercontinental route.
生长于闽南,毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学。是第一位考取美国航空总署(FAA)飞行教练证 (CFI,CFII)及 美国航线飞行证ATP的华人女性,也是美国民航史上第一位华人女机长。持有波音B727,B737, B757, B767及空客 A310/300等多项飞行资职证。现任美国一家国际航空公司波音B767机长。二十多年来,傅文瑜活跃于中美航空界,以她丰富的飞行经验及对业内深广的知识,致力于支持提携与赞助海内外女同胞们飞向蓝天、追求梦想。 Born and raised in China, Wenyu is believed to be the first Chinese woman to earn a CFI and ATP in the U.S. Typed-rated in B727, B737, B757, B767, A310/300, she is currently a captain for a major U.S. carrier.
17岁考取直升机飞行执照,18岁考取游艇执照。英国剑桥大学三一学院,工程系博士生在读。2021剑桥全额奖学金/CSC Cambridge International Scholarship 获得者。